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Semi-Detached (2015)

Semi-Detached (2015)

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2.83 of 5 Votes: 3
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0141012870 (ISBN13: 9780141012872)

About book Semi-Detached (2015)

yeah, this was definitely semi detached, a bit like bob dylan's chronicles part 1, this definitely wasn't quite a straight biography. I did like it though, he spoke about all the things he hated his dad making him do, and then later how he subsequently did them himself as an adult. There was a wistfulness and wisdom and compassion about this book that i liked. It still didn't really say that much and wasn't that long but it was an interesting way to write, and he did deal with, examine, his relationship with his father in a both a tender, crtical, exasperated way which I enjoyed.The weird thing too, is that i would never consider myself that close in age to him, but you realise that when you approach 40 that someone even only 15 years older than you can actually have a lot more in common with you than someone 15 years younger than you. When he was writing about the 70's i felt some of his experiences weren't so far off my own ones. I guess as we stay alive long enough, we begin to have more in common. A good read anyway.

As Griff Rhys Jones is just a year younger than me, I was looking forward to a read full of reminders of my own childhood. At first I was not disappointed with humorous tales of family life, I found myself laughing out loud! Unfortunately I found it started to drag somewhat especially after he went to university. Being a contemporary I carried on to the end, otherwise I do not think I would have done. My conclusion therefore is that unless you are going to be able to relate to any of his experiences, you will probably not find this worth reading.

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