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Seeing Symmetry (2012)

Seeing Symmetry (2012)

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3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
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0823423603 (ISBN13: 9780823423606)
Holiday House

About book Seeing Symmetry (2012)

This non-fiction title about symmetry will become an essential concept book for classrooms of many age groups. The author, Loreen Leedy, explores line symmetry, rotational symmetry, and has thorough explanations with illustrations for them all. Some of the pages are a little full of illustrations that show symmetry, but overall a great representation of symmetry for students of many age groups. The concept of symmetry is explained with numerous examples.I really liked how the examples tied into virtually every part of a kid's daily life helping drive home the point that symmetry surrounds us. There were great challenges for kids to apply lessons learned and check for understanding by consulting the answers at the back. Two art activities are included and a section about how symmetry is a math concept. Highly recommended for classroom use in grades 3-5.

Do You like book Seeing Symmetry (2012)?

This book is beautiful and gives very good information on symmetry.

Excellent teaching book. Lots of activity ideas.

An outstanding concept book in every way!

A view of looking at things.

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