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Seduced By The Candidate (2000)

Seduced By The Candidate (2000)

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2.25 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book Seduced By The Candidate (2000)

Well written but for me it lacked depth of feeling and the sex entered porno territory - describing some of the more risqué thing two people can do together. Don't get me wrong, some of the scenes were hot, whereas others were just seemed to be shoe-horned in for the sake of it. I struggled to connect with any of the characters and at some points, I did skim over passages.Beth does write well though and I think some of the earlier editing problems were cleaned up.Just not for me unfortunately. This story had the potential to be good, it just didn't give me what I needed. For starters, the way the story would just drag on instead of just getting to the point and moving on. I found myself skipping pages to keep the story going and that's never a good thing, cause it usually means I won't finish the book. Another thing that ruined it for me is the sex. I like the sex in a story to be detailed, dirty talk and all. Not too thrilled about the heroine being a virgin but I can overlook it if the sex is hot, and it wasn't. Anyway, got to 51% and had to put it down. Mabey I'll go back and finish but I doubt it.

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AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON!!! $2.99 go buy it!!! Review to come once I'm done reading it!!!

DNF... Got bored in the first chapter. I may go back though. Not sure.

Review to come....

October 29, 2012


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