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Secret Of Laurel Oaks (2009)

Secret of Laurel Oaks (2009)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 5
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1442076194 (ISBN13: 9781442076198)
Baker & Taylor, CATS

About book Secret Of Laurel Oaks (2009)

This story is based on the true history of one of the most haunted places in America. Daphne was a slave, now she is one of many ghosts who haunt Laural Oaks - once a beautiful plantation, now a bed and breakfast. Lila and her brother come to stay while their parents work in the area. Even as they arrive strange things begin to happen. Lila is convinced she must solve Daphne's secret to set her spirit free, but is this possible? A creepy tale of slavery, cruelty, betrayal, and ultimately hope. For my work I was told that I had to read a kids fiction book. So I asked myself? What appeals to me? There was a recent episode of GHOST HUNTERS that I found interesting. They were at the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana. I did a little bit of research on the plantation and found out someone had written a fiction book after visiting the place. It just so happens Lois Ruby, who is a children’s author, wrote it. I went into work the next day, (I work in a library) and grabbed the book. I finished it in about 3 days. I thought it was very good. However, I was concerned about the fact that the slave girl references the “visits” at night by the master of the house. No details are involved, but you get the picture. I took these concerns to the head of the children’s department and she decided to change the book in the cataloging status from children’s to young adult. This is a contemporary book that flashes back to slavery days. THE SECRET OF LAUREL OAKS is good read that made me want to visit this historic plantation and enjoy all its beauty.AR 5.2

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I love this book! Its AMAZING! I highly recomend this book to everyone!

This book is about one of the most haunted places in america.


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