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Scoot! (2008)

Scoot! (2008)

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3.69 of 5 Votes: 2
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0061288829 (ISBN13: 9780061288821)
Greenwillow Books

About book Scoot! (2008)

Scoot tells the story of a small pond filled with life, and six turtles that remain still. It's not until the wind picks up that the six turtles are forced to move away. Fallwell use of collages brings a unique texture to the story that gives the animals a lifelike quality. Readers may be surprised that when they touch the textured pieces that it still feels smooth. The author uses repetition to tell the story of the turtles, focusing on the life and liveliness of the other animals, but always returning to the six silent turtles. The black text is places directly over the illustrations and the author occasionally uses fun fonts to emphasize the meanings of certain words like “flutter!” In the back of the book is information on the author's personal experience with animals at her tree house. There is also a quick guide as to how to make certain textures using every day items like tree bark. This should entertain children interested in crafts.Recommended Grade Level- Pre-KNotes- Scoot! Is a perfect book for a joint storytime and craft session. Children can use construction paper to create collages, or create textures using the examples on the back of the book.(This review was written as part of a school assignment) Cathryn Falwell playfully describes the actions of various animals bustling in Frog Song Pond. While the other animals are active, six turtles rest silently on a log until a strong wind sends them scurrying away. Nice selection for young children interested in wild life. The lyrical rhyme of the book makes it an enjoyable read aloud. Also the back pages provide several learning extensions.

Do You like book Scoot! (2008)?

Gorgeous illustrations, but didn't work well for my storytime.

Great rhyming book to introduce a habitat theme about ponds.

Active verbs!

E Fal

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