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Schooled In Revenge (2013)

Schooled in Revenge (2013)

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3.4 of 5 Votes: 4
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1401305040 (ISBN13: 9781401305048)

About book Schooled In Revenge (2013)

I was really excited to read this book because i love the tv series and was hopeful that the book would be just as amazing. However, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, it was still a quick enjoyable read but it didn't meet my expectations.I think it would've been a better story if it focused mainly on Ava's revenge, like on the show how it focuses on Emily's revenge. Because there were so many characters in this book and I found most of the characters really annoying and way too serious. Emily's small part in the book was useless, but it was still good to have her in the book even if it was short. By the ending it seems like there will be a sequel, if there is I hope they make it better because it wasn't a horrible book, just a book that I think had so much potential but didn't reach it. I liked this book, it had a nice side plot from the TV series while still maintaining the 'revenge' attitude.Ava is a good, strong character; she along with the others formed a balanced group. I wished that they had made better use of their Emily appearance, it wasn't very Emily like to warn Ava away from her revenge. The story was well developed until the end, when all of the secrets muddled into one big mess and all of the characters appear to be intertwined. I suppose this is very classic of Revenge but it just hurts my head to think about it however I really do want to know what happens next. I hope we do get another book. Overall the writing was quite good and Ava was certainly well developed, it would have been nice to hear from the other characters but if more books are coming than it makes sense that we didn't. The storyline was a little rushed but it was terrible of anything like that.If you are thinking of reading it than go on give it a try.

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Such a good book - couldn't put it down. If you like revenge then you'll love this book

looks intriguing... should definitely give it a go!

Feels good to read for funzo again. 19 books left.



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