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Scared To Death (2000)

Scared To Death (2000)

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About book Scared To Death (2000)

Scared to Death did not scare me. I rate it a 3 because of the confusing convoluted story and the struggle trying to keep the characters straight.It has been fifteen years since the adopted son Jereny was kidnapped.He was taken to India and abandoned. Unfortunatedly, a pedophile finds him and he is returned to the states. Unknowing to his parents, Jeremy is spying on them. If you were keeping notes on the characters, the last twenty pages is where you can start connecting the relationships. I was glad it was over. Stay tuned....this is the second one in the series and there is another one coming out which moves forward 15+ years in the future! I had a very difficult time getting back into the characters and remembering the storyline from the first book. As I don't rewrite the plot and try not to give spoilers, my goodreads posting from the first book wasn't helpful to me!!! I only wish the 3rd one was out now as I KNOW that I will have a horrible time remembering all the plot twists and "who done it" between now and then. Hope she gives enough recaps to remind me of the events from this book. Staub has a fabulous way of writing that creates TRUE intrigue and suspense....she really twists around the characters and plot line to make a shocking conclusion. Well done!!!!!!

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Lots of twists and turns, but I never quite bought it...

Full if suspence. Could not put it down.

Loved this book! Great sequel.

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