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Say What? (2011)

Say What? (2011)

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3.6 of 5 Votes: 4
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1416986944 (ISBN13: 9781416986942)
Beach Lane Books

About book Say What? (2011)

This cute picture book was entertaining. I like that it was short and simple. I think this could be a good interaction book for parents to read to their kids. They could ask their child on each page what they thought that animal was really saying and then find out what the author intended the animal to really be saying. I also like how the illustrations were done in a playful way. It is obvious that the author did not intend on their audience to take this book seriously but to have fun and enjoy reading. I enjoyed how the pictures were cleverly related to the word. For example, when the horse said hay they were doing snow-angles in the hay. The natural colors gave this book an earthy feeling and the bright colors were used sparingly. Over all I would recommend this book to any one of my future young readers. This is a fun book about the different sounds animals make and what they are trying to communicate. Excerpt: "When a horse says NEIGH, does she really mean HAY?"The story goes through a variety of animals listing the sound the animal makes and then guessing at what the sound means. The text accompanies fabulously silly illustrations. For example, the section that describes what a horse says has pictures of two horses doing "snow angels" in a field of hay. The horses are depicted in blue jeans with big belt buckles, flannel shirts, and cowboy boots.This book could be used in a storytime about animals or noises.

Do You like book Say What? (2011)?

What do animals really mean when they speak? Silly rhyming read aloud for young kiddos.

if a cow says moo does she really mean who? it was a cute rhyming story about animals.

Letter C, animal sounds

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