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Saving You, Saving Me (2012)

Saving You, Saving Me (2012)

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3.6 of 5 Votes: 3
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1597480436 (ISBN13: 9781597480437)

About book Saving You, Saving Me (2012)

This had potentional.I like how the writter used a Crisis hotline as the background - it was different and came across well written.I guessed the Collins/Daggers thing pretty early one - from that first phone call - so it took a bit of the surprise out of the ending.I liked Derek - I think he would be good for Sam. Sam comes across too innocent - way too young. She needs some backbone. I know what I read what she went thru at 13 but still - shes too - blah....Had potentional to be a good story but it was missing something... I will start this review by smacking myself squarely in the forehead and cursing my eternal optimism. I should've known though, based on the cover and the price/reviews on Amazon that I'd end up frustrated and completely dissatisfied, but I fell for it anyway because hope springs eternal. Because I am ever on the look out for the diamond in the rough- it's too bad I have to wade through excrement like this to find it.I want to hate this book so bad. There are certainly elements of it that I particularly despise, the foremost of which is the god awful writing. I'm talking basic grammar conventions. Seriously? I mean, seriously? You have the gall to CHARGE me to read this mess? Just. No. There is also the Christian Gray/Anna Steele-esq quality to the way their relationship begins. I'm all for suspending reality, and I did genuinely enjoy Fifty Shades, but this was so similar and not as well done. Everything about it seemed like a horribly skewed imitation. Blerg. Further, I really cannot stand Samantha and her pop psychology bs. If that's the way those help lines are really run: by wannabe psychologists and know-it-alls with ZERO training or expertise in the field, then lord protect us all.My biggest pet peeve is that there were pretty important elements that were not explored at all or completely glossed over (like who Samantha's real father is, why she can't commit to a man, what exactly was on Collins' pledge Sam refused to sign, why Sam doesn't know the identity of Daggars when it's SO PAINFULLY OBVIOUS.) while completely meaningless elements (like what Collins is wearing to dinner) is explained in excruciating detail. I mean, really, spare me.On the other end of the spectrum, there were elements I totally dug. Their "meet cute" over her boy-short underwear was precious. Collins is a pretty cool dude when he's not acting like a poor man's Christian Grey. That guy she works with Derek is totally awesome, too.Anyway, it wasn't bad enough to get one star, or (shamefully) to put me off reading the second one. At least I will be able to gird myself better for utter disappointment.

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I loved it! Can not to see whats next in Finding You Finding Me!!

I'm looking forward to whatever comes next:)

Childish and unbelievable


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