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Satin Pleasures (2000)

Satin Pleasures (2000)

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3.62 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book Satin Pleasures (2000)

I really enjoyed this book. It is 189 pages ( I love to know how many pages before I buy a book). It started out a little slow because I wasn't sure which way the author was going to take this story. Don't give up!!!!, after a few pages in-the story gets very interesting; with the rest of the book becoming very entertaining. The supporting characters are fun and help the story flow but don't overtake the main couple of Dan and Tess. (You will fall in love with Colby though) I will be looking forward to more books by this author. Its a good, contemporary romance with a little spice but nothing I didn't enjoy. I hope you give it a chance. I didn't regret it.... I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review---Cindy This is a pure romance novel with a little bit of heat. Not really that much and that was exactly what kind of disappointed me. Just when I thought it would give me the heat it seemed to build up to the author didn't follow through. Don't get me wrong, the book is very well written and captivating to the point I had moments of Gone With the Wind sighs, but by leading me to believe there would be explicit content while it never ever went there was a bummer. (Sorry I do love my steamy windows every now and then.) This author chose to keep the intimate scenes suitable for all audiences. Which is a good thing I guess. Oh, well, I just didn't get what I wanted and shouldn't moan about it, but tell you how the story is very well developed and the characters come alive. This author had me rooting for them all.One other thing I kind of missed was the fact that there isn't a real `bad guy' to hate. It is all pure romance and revolves around the question if they will end up together rather than having an elaborate plot.If they end up together is something I will not give away, but there are some twists and some turns, yet nothing really unexpected.Still a very nice read which had me glued to my ereader.(I did not receive any compensation for this review)

Do You like book Satin Pleasures (2000)?

Sweet and funny from Tess and Dan's first meeting to the happy ending. An enjoyable light read.

3.5 Stars. I got this one for free, and it's not bad. Easy weekend fluff. :)

Nothing really inspired about it, no big twists or high impact drama.

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