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Samantha On A Roll (2011)

Samantha on a Roll (2011)

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3.85 of 5 Votes: 4
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0374363994 (ISBN13: 9780374363994)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)

About book Samantha On A Roll (2011)

Poor Samantha wants to try out her new skates, but Mama's too busy to help her. I'm pretty sure every child can relate to that scenario. What's a girl to do? Sneak out and try them herself of course! Hilarity ensues as the story takes on fantastical proportions that kept my kids on the edge of their seats. My youngest literally let out a sigh when we reached the immensely satisfying ending. I think he'd been holding his breath! Funny, sweet and so relatable. Gorgeous illustrations that have an old-fashioned feel to them. Highly recommended. Samantha gets some roller skates, but her mother cautions her not to put them on until her mom has time to go with Samantha. Of course, Samantha does not listen. She puts the skates on anyway and all too soon she is careening down an enormous hill, helplessly grabbing for anything she can reach to try to slow her down. But to no avail.“Slow at first, she glides downhill.Quickly then,And quicker still,Till the scenery’s blurring past---Sammy’s going VERY fast!(Meanwhile Mama, changing John,Doesn’t realize Sammy’s gone.)”

Do You like book Samantha On A Roll (2011)?

One little girl + new roller skates+ Hawthorne Hill= a wild ride home!

Loved the poem. Illustrations eminded me of books from my childhood.


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