I read this book several or more years ago and reread it again just a few days ago; it's still a good book, but it did not improve on rereading, which for me is the hallmark of a great book.I've never read a novel by Barbara Wood that I didn't thoroughly enjoy and devour in one fell swoop of voracious deep-night reading. That held true even on reread. But this is one of her weaker works. While Wood always strives for an epic feel, and often accomplishes, it doesn't quite work here. The coincidences are just a few too many, just a little too far-fetched. Wood tries too hard, in essence. I also felt less interested in the particular setting of this novel than I have been in others of hers.I have never read Wood for her writing style, which is solid, enjoyable, and easy to read, but beyond that holds no special quality. I read Wood for her action-filled plots, her fantastic female heroines, her sense of the epic, the historic, and the romantic. All of these trademark traits were present in Sacred Ground and provided the fix I was seeking. As usual, I loved her balance of the joyous and the tragic, adored the heroine and lusted after the (perhaps too perfect, but hey, it's sorta-romance) hero, and found the mysteries of the plot compelling. Also as usual, this work felt well-researched and realistic in its depiction of Native American life and beliefs. A very satisfying, quick, and exciting read.
The main character is Erica, an archaeologist excavating a cave in which a native American wall painting is found and a skeleton...After she finds the skeleton, the next chapter goes back in time to tell the story of the woman whose bones were found. The next chapter goes back to Erica and another find in the cave, to then tell the story of that find in the next chapter. That way the story of native American women in California is told from 2000 B.C. forward.Do not expect anything too deep, it's nice and relaxing reading for the beach. What I do not understand - how can Erica find things that get progressively younger, while she is digging? Shouldn't they get older??? Must have missed the explanation for that....
Do You like book Sacred Ground (2002)?
Going back in time to native tribes & into the present, alternately, history is passed on by stories told by campfire to be remembered by each generation; a cave containing history where the First Mother, a Topaa Indian woman, is buried & other artifacts buried by consequent people; an earthquake uncovers the cave where anthropologists, Native Americans, & millionaire homeowners fight over what should be done with the cave & its contents.My first book by Barbara Wood--will have to check on the titles of her others.
Tengo ganas de elevar mis brazos al cielo y lanzar una enorme exclamación ¡por fin terminé de leer este libro!Muchas amigas, conocidos, personas, y... cosas, me habían sugerido leer a la aclamada Barbara Wood, una escritora famosísima y cuyas historias son conocidas por todos los países, este es el primer libro que leo de ella...Los personajes están bien definidos, los lugares también, por lo que te sientes parte de la historia. El orden en que está narrada es casi un juego entre el futuro y la historia para llegar al hoy en día, te va metiendo y entregando a una trama original, bastante única y que mezcla lo "moderno" con lo antiguo.Aunque no soy muy fanática del romance, sinceramente, desearía que en esta novela se hubiese desarrollado con más sentido, pues en algunas partes parecían casi de relleno. Además ¿no es mejor la seducción que la relación en sí?Reseña completa: AQUÍ
—Libros en el Sótano
The story starts with the events around one young Native American woman who will become "First Mother" to generations. Wood takes the reader across generations of the family and chronicles life in Mexico, California and eventually the United States. Wood does a great job with the historical facts and weaves them brilliantly into the lives of her characters.Each generation produces one remarkable woman who has inherited the grace and torment of visions. What each woman does with that gift is unique to her time/space.If you like historical fiction, books about strong women, stories about relationships, the impact of government and religious systems on people...this is a book for you.