The Widow's Season is a great novel with a nice slow pace that is captivating. Sarah has lost her husband in a canoeing accident... or has she? He disappears in an accident only to reappear in her life again. This is an excellent story of Sarah coming to terms with her husband and a marriage that was less than ideal. This book was enjoyable up to the end. I was a bit worried about how the author would wrap things up. But, no worries, everything seemed to fit into place in a way that contributed to this emotionally involving novel. This was a really quick read. The style was engaging and it was truyly a hard book to put down. I thought the characters were engaging and easy to identify with. I think my only dissapointment was with the storyline between the main character and her brother-in-law... but I won't give too much away. You can decide for yourself.The story is about a childless widowed woman who is 39 and is facing life without her husband. The author touches on so many emotions; the emotions loss, and of believeing you are barren, the many emotions that surround death and broken marriages, and the guilt of joy that comes when you think there should be only sorrow. This book was not a downer, though it had sad moments. It was well done; depicting true conflict, with sad trials and delightful wit.For those who enjoy the psyche of human emotion, I think this will be a wonderful read.
Do You like book Sé Que Estás Allí (2011)?
Dreamlike and intriguing. I had to read to the end.
This kept my interst, but was pretty depressing.
Better than average so maybe 3.5 just not a 4.