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Running Free - Breaking Out From Locked-In Syndrome (2011)

Running Free - Breaking Out From Locked-In Syndrome (2011)

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3.85 of 5 Votes: 1
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Accent Press Ltd

About book Running Free - Breaking Out From Locked-In Syndrome (2011)

I think hearing the story from this perspective was really interesting. Her struggles were obviously severe, and while I understood that, I still felt she was a bit pretentious and a bit annoying. She seemed to come for a very privileged "party" lifestyle that doesn't really sit well with me...but to each their own. I thought she repeated herself a lot and could have condensed down her story. I was glad she finally expressed appreciation for her husband because throughout the book I thought she was a bit rough on him.Overall, I can't judge too much...she had a pretty hard struggle. Interesting read for those that have Locked-In Syndrome from a stroke. For me it showed and proved that even if the body is not able to move - it doesn't mean the mind has stopped working. It was also motivational. It shows the power of the mind and spirit and being stubborn helps! It was a good book and I would recommended it to anyone that is interested in learning about this syndrome.

Do You like book Running Free - Breaking Out From Locked-In Syndrome (2011)?

Wow, a page turner. Amazing account of remarkable events. Never say never.

Such an incredible and inspiring woman.

Truely inspirational!

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