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Run Your Butt Off!: A Breakthrough Plan To Shed Pounds And Start Running (No Experience Necessary!) (2011)

Run Your Butt Off!: A Breakthrough Plan to Shed Pounds and Start Running (No Experience Necessary!) (2011)

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3.72 of 5 Votes: 1
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1605294047 (ISBN13: 9781605294049)
Rodale Books

About book Run Your Butt Off!: A Breakthrough Plan To Shed Pounds And Start Running (No Experience Necessary!) (2011)

Even though I've been running for over a year now and doing 5Ks, I still found lots of value in this book. I did couch-to-5k when I started up running last year and I think it's a good program, but I wish I'd had this book then because I think the advice it gives would have made my couch-to-5k experience even better. I'd definitely recommend this for anyone who's thinking about giving running a try (and I'd urge them to give running a try - it's great!). The star rating given reflects my opinion within ‘the official goodreads rating system’.1 star: Didn’t Like it2 stars: It’s Okay3 stars: Liked it4 stars: Really Liked it5 stars: It Was AmazingI don’t really give a rat-fuck that there are some who think I ‘owe’ an explanation for my opinion. Nope, nada, and not sorry about it.Sometimes I may add notes to explain what my opinions are based on, and sometimes I don’t. I do this for me, on my books, in my library and I don’t ‘owe’ any special snowflakes a thing. Fuck off if you don’t like it and stop reading my shit.Particularly given the ‘modifications’ to reader’s personal content going on (and outright censorship), unless particularly motivated I will not comment in detail. It would help if GR was forthcoming in the new ‘appropriate’ and would make a site-wide announcement delineating the new focus from a reader-centric site to one that is now for authors and selling.

Do You like book Run Your Butt Off!: A Breakthrough Plan To Shed Pounds And Start Running (No Experience Necessary!) (2011)?

Finally, a plan to get fit that I can work into my hectic schedule:)

Very good for someone who has or is looking to learn to run.

great read for anyone starting a running program

I managed to go from 0 to 11k!

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