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Rules Of Lying (2012)

Rules of Lying (2012)

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3.55 of 5 Votes: 5
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Wentworth Publishing

About book Rules Of Lying (2012)

This is the first Stephanie Smith novel I have read and I will definately download more. The first person voice is not always my favorite but it is written with such skill, that it became a non issue. The self deprecating heroine is a lot of fun to watch as she overcomes a boat-load of obstacles. The story takes an amusing twist with an unexpected murder. Warning. Don't take to bed unless you wish to stay up all night. I have a bad habit of highlighting all of the grammatical and spelling errors in the indie books that I read. I am so excited to share that the only highlights within Rules of Lying are the witty and noteworthy statements of the main character, Jane Dough. This book is extremely well written. I was impressed by the vocabulary as well as the writing skill. The characters were well developed and relatable. I disagree with another reviewer who described the main character as "dumb as a post". I found her to be likable and quite entertaining. There were a few moments where I actually laughed aloud while reading. The story line was consistent and skillful. It was thorough while not being overly descriptive or verbose. I genuinely enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more novels about Jane Dough and well as more novels by Stephie Smith. Thank you!

Do You like book Rules Of Lying (2012)?

Absolutely wonderful. Funny, emotional, great characters. Can't wait for the next in this series!

this book was humerous but dragged a little. very funny at times, but in a sitcom kinda way.

Liked this book sometimes, loved it others. The main charachter Jane Dough is complicated!

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