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Ruby Blues (2000)

Ruby Blues (2000)

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About book Ruby Blues (2000)

This book gave me a good chuckle. Given the political flavour of the subject matter, I was conscious of the fact that Jessica is an ex-Prime Minister's daughter. Worried me slightly that there might actually be people such as Ruby running campaigns for our politicians. I had quite a few chuckles in it, but could see why the book didn't appeal to my mother.... The assistant foisted upon Ruby irritate dme almost as much as she irritated Ruby but I did want to continue reading just to find out whether Bettina took over the world. A good example of chick lit. Ruby Stanhope is the sort of girl who lurches from one hilarious drama to another – she is so busy trying to be all things for all people that she spreads herself thin and starts to forget stuff. RUBY BLUES commences two years after book one (Campaign Ruby) and Ruby has a number of issues going on in he life. She is now an advisor for the PM after his landside win at the snap election in the first book; however now the PM is plunging in the popularity polls and nothing seems to be reversing the trend. There are more leaks in Canberra than in the Titanic – all of them untrue – and Ruby needs to track them down fast. Her lesbian aunties are expecting their first child and need constant reassurance. The irritatingly upbeat “life is wonderful’ acronym queen Bettina has been assigned to Ruby as a trainee much to the disgust of Ruby. Ruby’s relationship with the dynamic Luke has reversed and she is now the one who is never home, and forgets important dates, and faces an ultimatum: Luke or the job. But more important than any of these drama’s in Ruby’s life is the fact she is about to turn thirty. There are quite a few plot twists going on and they all get concluded before the last page is turned. I loved Bettina – she would drive me nuts – but everyone needs a Bettina in their life. Overall a really enjoyable, fun read and I am fairly certain it is a good indication of what really happens behind the scenes in politics in all the parties.

Do You like book Ruby Blues (2000)?

Really fun and enjoyable. I love Ruby, Fran, Clem and the rest of the gang.

Alas, I didn't find it as enjoyable as her first book "Campaign Ruby".

Frothy, fast read. Think Kathy Lette in Canberra.

Easy read ... Political fiction

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