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Ruas Escuras (2000)

Ruas Escuras (2000)

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About book Ruas Escuras (2000)

The first detective story I had to force myself to read till the end. Finished it and not happy with it :( The story develops in short parts - description of a person that is going to be murdered, inner feelings of the female detective and her ex-boyfriend, and the crime scene. It looks like the CSI films, i.e. video spots. The author repeats a lot of words all the time (to suss, the F word - with which I would not have problems with it if it was appropriate) and uses slang in places I would not expect. In one place the detective is hung over and a half page later comes a text as if from a brochure about all the damage drinking can cause. I hoped the end would be good but not. I suspected the revealed murderer for 250 pages. Not inventive. I am just surprised by positive reviews. Not going to read another book by her :(( I'm not really a mystery/Thriller reader in the first place, but this author was suggested to me by a friend so I thought I'd give it a read. I can't say I was really impressed. I don't know if it's becasue this isn't really my genre of choice or it just wasn't one of the authors best work. I found the story a bit repetitive and it didn't really have me on the edge of my seat as I imagine a good murder mystery would. I found the killer awfully easy to pick aswell, which was quite underwhelming. Overall it wasn't awful, but it could have been better. I might try another book by this author in the future, but in the mean time I think I'll just stick to my normal genre of paranormal romance.

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Loved it as i've loved all her books! love her characters and her descriptive ability is top notch!

I have read enough Martina Cole now. The books are so similar and she keeps repeating herself!

Great :)

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