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Rowing The Atlantic: Lessons Learned On The Open Ocean (2009)

Rowing the Atlantic: Lessons Learned on the Open Ocean (2009)

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1416583289 (ISBN13: 9781416583288)
Simon & Schuster

About book Rowing The Atlantic: Lessons Learned On The Open Ocean (2009)

So far so good! I love reading about people and their crazy adventures.I have mixed feelings on this. I wanted to know more about actually rowing the Atlantic and less about the author's personal growth. I find the idea of dropping out of the rat race to do something adventurous admirable but I also think she made some very poor decisions. I think they type of people who make the leap to pursue this type of thing are much more accepting of risk than I am though, so I don't know why her behavior surprised me. It was just OK but now I want to learn more about ocean rowing so I need to see what other books are out there. FYI: author just started rowing the Indian Ocean solo this past week. You can follow on her blog. Roz Savage's story is inspiring proof that doing amazing things doesn't start with being a special kind of person. Rather, one becomes a special kind of person for taking on the challenge and hanging in to the finish line, despite considerable odds and considerable hardship. See mom, "stubborn" IS an excellent quality to have. Being a most unlikely candidate makes Savage's success all the more sweet. Not athletic, not a daredevil, not self-confident, not a man, she still manages to row across the ocean, by persistence and sheer will alone. It's very telling that her success is largely a result of mind over matter, and that her greatest peace comes when she is truly on her own with no radio contact and therefore no outside pressure.I have great admiration for her...and have zero interest in following in her footsteps!

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Amazing, thrilling, inspiring. Rereading it because sometimes you need a book just like this.

picked this book out just browsing the biography section of the library. excellent! bravo!

i think Roz Savage may become a new hero of mine.

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