I went back to this novel after reading BLAME. I am always interesting in an author's first novel. It was rocky in many places and uneven. I stuck with it but I thought it needed much more editing. There were parts of the story that simple didn't belong and some things that were just a little too pat even for a first novel. It was published by Random House after all. The author is obviously touched by alcoholism as this theme and sobriety runs through both of her books. This the tale of a fellow who ends up in a recovery program and gets attached to the fruit treed valley it resides in. There are twists and turns involving love interests and the challenges of staying sober and keeping life on track. It is much about life not turning out as you thought it might and the forks in the road---what choices are made and how they influence the future. I still contend it needed more editing as far as the story goes and think it will fall into the give away not pass to a friend pile... I might read another novel by this author were it off the booze theme...
Full disclosure: I was lucky enough to be in a writing workshop with Michelle Huneven this summer, and she is awesome.I'm always happy when a book actually surprises me, when there's a twist I don't see coming. That happened in this book and was great. I actually gasped! Michelle creates strong, believable characters and pulls you into their world so easily. Also, the vivid setting descriptions make me miss California terribly (what doesn't these days?). Enjoyable read, although I think I liked Blame a little better.