This is a 2014-2015 YHBA picture book nominee. The story focuses on Violet, who likes to be the center of attention, and Rosie, who has a quieter personality. Rosie gets tired of hearing about how Violet is the best at everything, and she sees a chance to claim the spotlight when the class grows their own pea plants. Will Rosie make the right choices, and will she be the best?The reading level for this book is 3.0, so it is for older picture book readers. The ending is very subtle and will probably go over the heads of younger readers. I gave this 3 out of 5 stars. Sweet story about a little girl who feels overshadowed by a classmate who gets all the accolades. Jealousy makes a small, painful appearance, but in the end Rosie learns a job well done is its own reward. Those of us who didn't stand out in class but enjoyed learning and doing a good job will appreciate this. Those who like to stand out might learn a little. The drawings are adorable. I couldn't take my eyes off the little girls' clothes and started some sewing projects in my head.
Do You like book Rosie Sprout's Time To Shine (2011)?
This is written by my former student, Allison Wortche! I'm so proud of her!
Sweet selflessness. Learning to squelch jealousy & be the better person