About book Romance Is My Day Job: A Memoir Of Finding Love At Last (2014)
More of a 3.5I wanted to know more about Patience's job as a romance novel editor, but I suppose that's not the real focus here. Many of Patience's dating mistakes were cringeworthy, and I had a difficult time understanding why she kept giving so many terrible partners the benefit of the doubt. I liked her imaginary romance scenarios; as an occasional category reader, they were spot-on hilarious, and I was very happy that Patience got her happily ever after. Unfortunately, I still felt like I didn't really know a whole lot about her in the end simply because the entire focus of the book is on her failed dating life.All things told, Patience was a good reader and her story made for decent enough listening on my commute home, but I wasn't blown away or anything. Ultimately pretty tedious and I regretting spending as much time on it as I did (though I skimmed a bit). It sounded promising and I was hoping the author would actually talk a bit more about her job as an editor. There were a few enjoyable bits where she compared typical Harlequin scenarios with her real-life adventures, but mostly it was just a (very) long retelling of her dating experiences (way too many), and the tone overall (and the writing) was very high-schoolish.
Do You like book Romance Is My Day Job: A Memoir Of Finding Love At Last (2014)?
Loved this book. It was very uplifting, while touching on real family conflicts and emotions.
I felt like this could have been shorter, especially the last few chapters.
Loved this book. I think we could be twins... Laughed like crazy!!