very short... too short for my liking. Felt rushed. The sex scenes felt extremely vanilla for me, especially for a BDSM book.The author seems to waver between Roman not wanting to see Juliet again and being in love with her. Juliet seems naive for being 27. The author also makes the age difference more important that it is.The party that annoyed me the most is over half of the book isn't even part of the original story... it's a chapter from another of the author's books.Usually, I try to become a 'repeat reader' of an author... Ms. Thatcher isn't one of those authors. This story had the potential to be good, but the major problem I had with it was the insta-love. It’s a very short story and admittedly I have not read the others in the series, however, per the story this is the first time Roman and Juliet are meeting. I just didn’t get the whole quitting the job and leaving everything for a man who didn’t even express any interest in meeting again. They didn’t talk, they had sex and it seemed like Juliet was smart enough to distinguish between a sexual relationship and a real relationship. This one just had me rolling my eyes because Juliet is so adamant about telling people she’s 27, but instead she acts like a love sick puppy and not the mature woman she claims to be.
Do You like book Roman And Juliet (2000)?
Talking love after two sexcapades, little hard to buy and too short for much else:(