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Ride Or Die (2004)

Ride or Die (2004)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 2
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0312306164 (ISBN13: 9780312306168)
minotaur books

About book Ride Or Die (2004)

Okay so I have read Pipe Dreams, The Bride and The Last Confession by this author so naturally want to read anything else he has written as I think he is a talented author that paints an environment that you can see, smell and live in..I know exactly where he is from because he tells about Philly beautifully with all the ugliness, drugs and crime that lurk beneath the surface..This is a story that brings back another character from his novels, Kevin Lynch the detective in The Bridge as he chases down a suspected murderer and kidnapper through the mean streets, but is it a kidnapping and is this kid a murderer? Enter the plot of Keisha the innocent beautiful Preacher's daughter who is walking the fine line of wanting to obey her parents and the church and wanting to be with a bad boy she loves and is forbidden to go near as their fathers, one head of the church the other head of the streets would be absolutely against it. In a Romeo and Juliet kinda take the two lovers decide to risk it all for each other and literally ride or die with their lives on the line..I must say I do still adore his descriptive writing and his tight storylines but I think this was not up to what I expected from him, not my favorite by far ( I think The Bridge is LOL) but a good book, not great.

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