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Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories (1989)

Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories (1989)

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3.94 of 5 Votes: 4
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0394882695 (ISBN13: 9780394882697)
random house, inc.

About book Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories (1989)

The illustrations in this book were very well done and helped tell the story as it progressed. In this book there were actually multiple stories that were being told. I found most of them just okay stories, but the last story I really enjoyed. It added humor to an unfortunate day. It takes the reader through all of Mr. Raccoon’s unfortunate encounters- car breaking down, pants ripping, and to top it off just when he thought nothing else could go wrong during the day his bed breaks. This would be a good story to share with your child before bed if he has had a rough day, he can find humor in Mr. Raccoon’s rough day and you can also explain that just because one day didn’t go as you would have liked doesn’t mean that the next day will be bad too. Overall this book was just okay, but could create discussions to have with your child before bed.

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