About book Rex And The City: True Tales Of A Rescue Dog Who Rescued A Relationship (2011)
This book will make you laugh, cry, and shake your head in amazement at this dog's antics. I really enjoyed reading it.I would have given this a 4 star rating but for the punctuation, grammar, and editing mistakes, particularly in the last 25% of the book. I understand this book was written and compiled from a series of articles written for a dog magazine so I could forgive some repeated topics and comments to a degree. By the end, it just got down to a matter of sloppy editing, such as words in the wrong places, sentence repeated within a paragraph, and the like.I've found similar editing errors in other Kindle books, particularly the free books. Anyone else? I enjoyed how Ted and Lee worked together to overcome the obstacles of raising their rescue dog, Wallace A.K.A Rex, in New York City, and how their collaboration positively transformed their lives. The story begins on a whim, when they stop at the shelter and adopt Rex, and ends in the wise realization that all the struggles, failures and occasional triumphs that they've experienced together along the way have strengthened their commitment to one another. Lee Harrington's voice as the worried dog mom possessed a winsome charm that was incredibly appealing. Because of her skills as a story teller and her sharp eye and rich knowledge of all things New York, I found myself reading at the easy pace that I reserve for books that create a vivid world in which the story is set. That world was fun and whimsical and yet set on firm foundations. I must say that all the fashion references which, as someone from the country I neither know or care too much about, really tickled me because they seemed so right in Lee Harrington's voice, and so much fun. REX AND THE CITY really made this reader aware of our ancient canine connections and how they anchor us to the natural world even in a city like New York.
Do You like book Rex And The City: True Tales Of A Rescue Dog Who Rescued A Relationship (2011)?
This was a funny, light read. Being a dog-lover, I highly enjoyed it.