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Rewind To You (2014)

Rewind To You (2014)

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3.84 of 5 Votes: 3
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1601833504 (ISBN13: 978160183350)
Kensington Publishing Corp.

About book Rewind To You (2014)

Wow this story is a journey and a half. This book will stay with me for years to come, and will make me look at my loved ones in a whole new light. While reading this book I found myself needing to phone my friends and family just to say I loved them. I hugged my kids a little tighter and loved my husband a little harder. The journey that these two characters take is one of forgiving, standing on your own, and loving whole heartily for whom the person really is and not the person they appear to be. Laura Johnston was able to show us what the relationship between two people can really be and how even in death the love you share with family and friends can transcend it.Sienna is just two months away from turning 18, she is with her mom and brother on a last summer vacation but this vacation is different than others. This is one that’s meant to heal; it’s the first one they have taken since the loss of her father. She blames herself for her father’s death and the guilt is tearing her apart. Her mother has her life planned out, even down to who she should marry. Sienna has such guilt that she lets her mom dictate her life because she feels she owes it to her mom. But then she meets Austin. He opens her eyes to the possibilities of what life and love should really be. He comes to her rescue one night when she is being harassed by two guys and then takes her out and buys her shoes. (Really how could you not swoon over a guy that buys you shoes;) ) During this time Sienna keeps having fainting spells where she “rewinds” to a point in life with her dad. She can’t explain it but it brings her peace in a sense. She and Austin continue to grow as a couple, the only problem is that she has a boyfriend back home but it’s one that she really can’t see being with but it’s the guy her mom would choose. But what happens when you heart calls out to another? The relationship with Austin is real and pure; it makes her feel alive and ready to move on in life.Austin is suffering his own private hell as well. He is spending his last summer before college with his aunt and uncle. He never dreamed he would meet someone like Sienna but he feels unworthy of her due to their different life styles. Austin is amazing and I fell in love with him instantly, if you could judge a man by the love for his dog then holy crap Austin and his dog Turbo make the marker way too high to grasp. Even though this book is not steamy or super-hot sex, it is a beautifully written story that will haunt you at night and make you think of your own rewind moments in life and how you wished you had stopped to take it all in so you could visit that moment again. I really can’t say enough about this book but I don’t want to ruin the read for anybody with any spoilers, so in summery if you’re looking for a book that will have you feeling every emotion possible and yes make sure to have some tissues handy, then this is one for you. This is a story of one summer which changed two peoples life's ....Sienna is bearly holding it together , weighed down with the guilty of her father death and trying to please everyone but herself.....Austin is trying to stay focus on his plan for independence.... Two damaged souls from opposites sides of the the track .... met when Austin steps in and saves sienna from some unsavoury types ....That changed them both for the better .... They bought the best out in each other and healed and filled the missing holes they both carried .... But life is never easy and both Austin and sienna have learnt this early on in life and nothing is straight forward for them and sometimes love isn't enough especially when your trying to please everyone but your self....This is a beautiful love story even through at times a little frustrating but overall I really enjoyed this sweet story... and sometimes you just need to let it all fall into place ..... and learn to forgive and fight for what makes you happy.... I look forward to more books from this author in the future.

Do You like book Rewind To You (2014)?

A rapturous, beautiful debut with a romance that seeps into you like a sizzling Georgia summer.

I think it would've been amazing of a novel, but it wasn't my type of thing. (2.5 stars)

Wow! What an emotional story. Full review to come after my stop on the tour.

A quick teen summer romance. Sweet and fun if you like teen summer romances.

Loved this one. Review to come this week.

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