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Remembering Zane (2012)

Remembering Zane (2012)

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3.82 of 5 Votes: 1
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0615660053 (ISBN13: 9780615660059)
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About book Remembering Zane (2012)

First off, I was really put off by the random tense changes and the commas that were in places they didn't need to be. I can usually overlook editing issues but I picked up quite a few in here that distracted me from the story.About the story, the whole thing just didn't flow for me. I mean, first of all, Bonnie and Zane hadn't been together in years and she's like beyond devastated about his death, which I can understand to an extent. But what the author doesn't really cover is what happened to them to break them up or why the didn't end up together. If I'm supposed to connect with their characters, it's imperative that I understand at least a little of the backstory in a plot that deals with a character who is no longer alive. I don't understand why they said that Zane was calling for his wife on his deathbed and he thought Bonnie was his wife. It was all a bit unreal to me.Then at the funeral Bonnie meets up with Jon who seems to have had a huge crush on Bonnie since high school but he was also Zane's best friend so he couldn't make a move on her. There was the whole plot with the guy at her work hitting on her while Jon was there and stuff that seemed a bit unnecessary and then after seemingly turning Jon down, she all of the sudden decides she loves him and ends up marrying him... it just seems way to rushed and unrealistic to me.I was really excited about reading this book based on the synopsis but for such a short read it just didn't work for me. If it were longer and had more time to explain everything I would have connected more maybe, but with the way the story stands, I can't give it more than 3 stars and that's being generous. Sadly this was not a great book. It had a lot of promise but the synopsis made it out to be so much more than it was. When the book started, I felt like I was thrown right into the middle of a storyline and missed something. I couldn't connect with the characters or feel any real emotions. Bonnie's feelings for Zane were not believable and she was over the top, especially at his funeral where his WIFE and CHILD were. Bonnie cried in all8 chapters, like a lot. I feel that was all she did. Her flirty moments were confusing, if she was still hung up on Zane and the 'I Love You Jon' moments were not to be believed either. Most of the book she felt like Jon was her brother... so the whole I love you more than that was not sitting right with me.Jonathan, aka: Jon, had a lot of issues in my opinion. In a way, he was bipolar. He was hot tempered. He was stalkerish. He was a crazed jealous man. He never listened to Bonnie's 'I'll call you later' and would just show up or constantly call her. He had some tantrums, he cried a bit, he had inappropriate thoughts at bad times, he blew his lid and jumped to conclusions a lot and he was ready to fight Ray too quickly when Bonnie wasn't his to have.There was no point to the whole Zane/Jon/Bonnie triangle or Ray/Bonnie/Jon triangle were both pointless. Parts of the stories were never resolved. There were many times the characters were doing one thing then whoosh! They were doing something else or in a new spot but no real detailed about getting there. Ah yes! That's the problem with this book. It lacked LOADS OF DETAILS! Great concepts but not thought out well. The pregnancy parts didn't sit well with this mom. And there were too many complete time jump issues. We miss the whole dating process and jump to marriage then straight to the birthing.

Do You like book Remembering Zane (2012)?

That was super cute!! Short but a very good read!! Awe heart still giddy over this one!

I thought it was a pretty good book. I really enjoyed it

Really short book but a great quick read and sooo sweet


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