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Reluctant Hallelujah (2012)

Reluctant Hallelujah (2012)

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About book Reluctant Hallelujah (2012)

WARNING: there is a spoiler in this review...I was looking forward to this book, because I really loved Gabrielle Williams' first book Beatle Meets Destiny. I can happily say I loved this book as much as her first book, but it was not at all what I expected. The blurb usually gives a good indication of what the book will be about. In this case, everything the blurb tells you is absolutely true. What it doesn't tell you is why they have to go to Sydney. If you don't want to know, stop reading now...because I am going to tell you.Dodie has been told that they key to her parents disappearance is hidden under her lounge room floor. Something has been hidden there, and now it has to be moved to Sydney. Here's the kicker...the thing in the basement is a person, a dead person...and that dead person is Jesus! Yes, since his burial, Jesus has been moved from country to country for the last 2000+ years keeping him safe. While it may sound like a ridiculous plot, it doesn't read that way. The characters are a mix of 'believers' and 'non believers', the one thing they they all understand is the importance of their mission. It's basically a road trip book mixed with weekend at Bernie's, where Bernie is Jesus. If the idea of finding Jesus in a basement and driving him to Sydney doesn't offend you, you should absolutely give this book a chance.I am not sure how I feel about the ending. I definitely didn't see it coming. First thought after reading this - "I LOVE IT!!"Second - "WHY DID IT TAKE ME THIS LONG TO READ IT?!"This book was not what I expected. Sure there's a huge secret and a roadtrip, but they pan out in the most twisted, impossibly imaginable plot and I. LOVE. IT. You are hooked to the story, the characters and even begin to "believe" yourself. I love finding books like these. Such a small book with so much personality and possibilities. I could read it again and again, and plan to. If you are interested in reading it, don't take as long as I did to pick it up. Or maybe do - cherish the slow read and the story that comes alive within it. The choice is up to you. =)

Do You like book Reluctant Hallelujah (2012)?

Fab read, enjoyable and insightful into the minds of young adults, with a great twist.

Not enough suspense and sense of danger.

DNF - got too weird

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