Saddle Up...Your past is Catching Up to YouFirst in a trilogy of outstanding cowboy reads, this one has a fairly unique twist in that the main character, Ray Justice, not only is shocked that his father has just died, rather than 20 years before, but also how radically different his life was because of that huge lie in his life. Thrown into the midst of a group of Montana cowboys who are anything but typical of what he might have expected, Ray comes to terms with what he's been left, but has a heck of a time figuring out how he will manage it.Fortunately, Alfred Deacon, the ranch's manager, can help him out, but only so far. A reluctant dragon when it comes to revealing anything about the late Mr. Justice to his son, Deacon becomes the focal point of a slowly developing romance that keeps Ray, Deacon, and the rest of the crew slightly on edge--and you on the edge of your seat. I indulged myself with this guilty pleasure last night. This book delivered what I expected--a quick read about two characters whom I liked. I did put it on the "somebody needs to be smacked shelf," but the main characters aren't the ones who gave it that dubious honor; that shelf is reserved for Ray's parents. I went into the story expecting to feel sympathetic towards his father, at least, but the more I read, the more I wanted to knock some sense into him. Of course, since Ray's dad is dead from the beginning of the story, that wouldn't have been an option.