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Regularly Scheduled Life (2008)

Regularly Scheduled Life (2008)

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4 of 5 Votes: 4
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160504184X (ISBN13: 9781605041841)
Samhain Publishing

About book Regularly Scheduled Life (2008)

Ok...I really wanted to like this I am on a constant search for my next Ty and Zane or Evan and Matt series...I'm going through major withdraws man...That being said...I didn't feel that I knew enough about these two guys, before the incident occurred soooo I really wasn't vested enough to care about to them or their relationship. Sad really cuz I wanted to root for them. I actually couldn't even finish it so I skimmed through and read the end. Even then... What I read didn't to compel me to go back and finish the book. That being said...I love this author and am going to begin reading the 2nd book with hopes for a better connection. If you based ratings by not being able to put a book down, this book would get 5 stars hands down! I could not stop reading it once I started. The angst in this book was so high that I wanted to rip my hair out of my head not to mention that one of the main characters ticked me off so bad that I was hoping that the other hero of this story would just dump him so he could go out and find someone new to love.The rest of the story/plot was fantastic and really struck the heart strings. The aftermath of a school shooting. Breaks my heart. I've seen a lot of reviews complaining about the amount of sex in this book and I can agree up to a point. I think the bigger issue with that is the scenes were just too long and they kept trying to fix there issues with sex instead of talking.All in all this really was one helluva book!

Do You like book Regularly Scheduled Life (2008)?

This book was just too much back & forth for me .. both of these guys were way too stubborn!

is it bad that I hoped most of the book that they'd break up or not?

They should have kids!! love it!

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