About book Red Hook: An Artie Cohen Mystery (2006)
I picked this book up because I finished reading Disturbed Earth and there was a hook at the end that made me want to read this one. However, in the course of reading Red Hook, I felt like it was the same book, just with a slightly different plot. Which is fine--I understand how a series is constructed. But it's boring me for a couple of reasons, and I may not finish it. First, the characters all seem to speak in the same way. I can think of three off the top of my head who tell long stories and ramble on and on. It's lazy characterization. I think this also happened in Disturbed Earth but I didn't notice it until this second book. Secondly, the main character follows a predictable pattern of promising to be somewhere or do something for his love interest before he gets involved in yet another mystery and must solve it. He stays up for hours, gets shot/hurt/rescued by Tolya (one of the rambly characters) and then solves the mystery. While his love interest gets hurt yet again by trusting him, and he's actually in love with another woman. It's tiring, and reading the long, rambling character dialogue is tiring as well. Hmmm. I think I just talked myself into returning this one to the library.
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