Coopers Fall - 3 starsSurprisingly good story. I wasn't sure how I would like it...figured it was going to be just lots of sex, and there was lots of that, but Cooper and Sarah were really entertaining and I enjoyed their story. Luring Lucy - 2 starsThis one was really disappointing... which is something I really didn't expect... I love Lori Fosters stories, but this one just did not do it for me. Silly contrived story, no real plot, characters weren't really likeable, everything about this story was just sort of mediocre. No real interest in reading the other two stories. La meilleure nouvelle est celle de Lora leigh (Protection Rapprochée). C'est dailleurs par ce biais que j'ai découvert l'auteur.Les autres nouvelles sont gentilles et bien menées. Je n'ai pas du tout adhéré à la nouvelle de Cheyenne McCray (Le fruit défendu). Je l'ai trouvée un peu trop brut de décoffrage et certaibement trop direct to the point.Alors 4 étoiles parce que Laura Leigh élève le tout. *-)
Bleh. Money back please. I bought it because of the ratings but honestly, don't bother with this.
Sexy stories, but yet had an actual story line. Enjoyed all four novellas!
Once Again Lora Leigh has out down herself....!!!!!!Cooper's Fall
I'm starting Lora Leigh's "Coper's Fall".
Cooper’s Fall by Lora Leigh