As my friend who gave me the book (because he couldn't stand to have it in his possession anymore) said, I was thinking that the cover and the manliest hetero man bullshit would be ironic, except it wasn't. This person gives transguys a bad name. Beyond that, the writing was completely disjointed and not cohesive and just came across as lazy. And who knew so much transphobia could come from a transperson? Sigh. Solid. I cracked up at some points and read the whole thing in less than twelve hours (more because I was in that kind of mood and it's an easy read---lots of little short essays), so. There wasn't anything really new here for me, but it's probably a lot more original and interesting for most everyone else. I did like the writing, though.I probably should have deducted points for use of "cunt," "twat," and "bitch" as insults. Not cute, dude.
Do You like book Real Man Adventures (2012)?
I wanted to love this book, to read more celebration of transition...less self deprecation.