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Read To Tiger (2010)

Read to Tiger (2010)

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4.04 of 5 Votes: 5
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0670011401 (ISBN13: 9780670011407)
Viking Juvenile

About book Read To Tiger (2010)

Read To Tiger was good book. It starts out with a boy trying to read his book and what I am assuming is his pet Tiger. But every second he started to read the book the Tiger kept doing something to distract the little boy. Until all of a sudden the Tiger notices what the boy is reading, so he jumps on the couch and instead of the boy reading by himself he starts reading with Tiger. I liked the book. It was a simple but very artistic story. It was very cute how the boys face had such realism to it. There was such detail in his face expression and he body language. I loved how you were able to tell exactly how he was feeling when he was getting frustrated with Tiger. I also really liked the fact, that even though it was a tiger, the boy wasn't fazed by it, I loved how Tiger was his pet. It is a great book for children to read. Hatched colored-pencil drawings illustrate this picture book about a little boy who just wants to be left alone so he can read. Unfortunately, there is a tiger behind the couch, who chomps and growls and makes train noises -- all loud enough to bother a little boy trying to read. After many lectures from an annoyed little boy, and many apologies from a lively and irrepressible tiger, they discover a solution. A fun picture book that is great to read aloud. I wasn't a fan of the typewriter-style font, but the story was so fun that it totally won me over. Little ones will want to hear it again and again.

Do You like book Read To Tiger (2010)?

How fun this would be to act person the little boy and another the tiger!

Another fun storytime book for preschoolers and young elementary school kids.

I'm a sucker for books that focus on books and reading.

Delightful! A wonderful read aloud choice.

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