I was in middle school when i bought this book and read it in the same day. In fact, i read the entire collection that day from early morning to late evening, 12 hours of nonstop reading and i didn't regret one second of it. It was a miracle that they translated it into Romanian, because honestly speaking, i don't get on well with French and French doesn't get on well with me.I haven't reread this book since then, but to my 12-13 year old brain, this book (and the others from the Ramses Series) was a masterpiece. OK, i do admit of having a weak spot for any type of book which focuses on Egypt, but Ramses the Great has been a favorite of mine since the beginning. The characters were well constructed and had a certain magic of their own, the plot kept me with my eyes nearly glued to the paper until i was sure the ink would probably remain stamped on my eyeballs, the details, the world construction and the amount of research into that period made me gain a very big dose of respect for this author and this book. I was dead tired, but kept on reading and sometimes rereading several pages that i liked most. I loved the characters, lived the story along with them, experienced their emotions and made me, as a reader feel completely engrossed in it. In my opinion, this is one of the essential requirements for a well written book. And this series didn't fail me in this aspect. True, it probably won't make me feel exactly the same, now after all these years, if i pick it up again and start rereading it since i have read a looot more and broadened my horizons, but this don't change that i absolutely adored everything about these books. I laughed with the characters, i cried with them and otherwise experienced everything in those hours while i read the books. They might not seem so epic to other people, but to me, they have been the reason i later on picked up every book i spotted or managed to put my hand on and read it with the same zeal and devotion. All in all, the Ramses series is a must on my list and on my bookshelves. Definably unforgettable after all this years.
Book 3 in this 5 book series on Ramses--Pharaoh of Egypt. The country of Hatti (its people are known as Hittites) is a brutal, warrior culture with a long reputation for ruthless battle tactics. It has limited natural resources and an Emperor who lusts for power and wealth. He looks upon the land of Egypt with envious eyes and begins a massive military buildup prior to invasion. Ramses learns of the threat and plans for war. But the Egyptian military is vastly outnumbered and unlikely to build up enough armaments in time. It will be a clash of armies and egos on the fields surrounding the fortress of Kadesh...These books present a detailed glimpse into human minds and hearts. The undying love between Nefertari and Ramses, the treachery of Ramses' elder brother, and the politics of religion and espionage are well portrayed in these stories. Each book follows the next with an almost seamless flow that develops and enhances the life of Ramses and his Egyptian culture. I highly recommend both this series and the author (check out his other books too!).
Do You like book Ramses: The Battle Of Kadesh (1998)?
Vale a pena dar uma olhada. É totalmente diferente do Cornwell ou do Martin - que você gosta muito - uma vez que não há tanto foco nos detalhes das batalhas e violência. Considero tbm uma trama um pouco mais leve, menos intrincada, porém muito bem costurada. Ele fez pra ser lido direto e não tem enrolação, as tramas se resolvem muito satisfatoriamente, na hora certa sem aquele sentimento de que o autor tá esticando a conversa. Achei que foi muito competente dentro da proposta.
I saw the title and thought, hurrah, finally some action. And there is. Eventually. It just takes quite a while to get there. And then when you finally do, it just doesn't seem to last that long, and (I thought) the resolution of the battle was a bit of a cop-out. (view spoiler)[Ramses and his lion Invincible win the battle all on their own with the aid of a god. Hmmm.... Nothing to do with reinforcements, then, or his soldiers seeing him taking the lead and following? (hide spoiler)]
Kendi içinde değerlendirilip, gerçek mi değil mi masal mı hurafe mi diye sorgulamalara girmezsek, Ramses'ten etkileniriz. Hatta Ramses bizi büyüler. Ramses'in mucizelerine kapılırız. İnsan'da vücut bulan bu Tanrı'ya ısınmak, onu sevmemek, ona güvenmemek bir okur için neredeyse imkansız. Kitap dünyadaki en iyi kitap olmayabilir ama Jacq gözünden Ramses'in katını anlamamızı sağlar. Kades Savaşı da buna uyar. Anadolu Uygarlığı olan Hititleri karalar lekeler acımasız barbarlar haline sokar ve Firavun'un mucizelerine secde ederiz. Nefertari'ye diz çöker. Tuya'nın sözlerine boyun eğeriz. Akıcı bir dille işlenen kitap serinin ilk iki kitabının izlediği yoldan devam ediyor. Hoş olmuş bence. Taraflı bakış açısına, saplantılarına alışınca baya da hoş hatta.
—Pelin Gürel