Been on my TBR list for eons. I kept forgetting about it and then I'd trip over a reference to the gargoyle story and I'd think holy shit I gotta get on that ha ha a gargoyle lead that's fucking awesome but then I'd forget about it again. Story of my life.Happened to actually load it up and happened to actually pick it when I finished my last read and bam the gargoyle book actually got itself read at long last! And I really did love it. The writing style worked so well for me (which kind of sucks because the author's other books by and large don't sound like they'd be up my alley -> the OTHER story of my life) and I liked the both the leads and for a novella it was way more satisfying than most although goddamn of ALL the books to draw the curtains after the blowjob but before the main event. AUGH so aggravating.I literally can't remember the last time I complained about this. It maybe happens once a year, tops, and it's probably way less often than that. I find it super irritating when readers complain about a lack of steam unless there's tons of buildup and blammo the leads kiss (or just profess their feelings to each other) and we're out. In situations like that, sure, I'll grant you that. Complain away. Otherwise, though, forget it. There are enough cover-to-cover PWP romps out there already and dang it it's nice for us non-PWPers to chalk up a win once in a while.Soooooo. Could I possibly get a rewrite? Authors in this genre do that sometimes, right? [/pitiful hypocrite] If I had a penny for every review where I have written "This is good enough but it could have been so much better!", I should not be rich, perhaps, but I could afford an expensive gadget for sure.As I said elsewhere ("Crying for the moon"), Ms Madison has a knack for giving unexpected twists to common (and abused) supernatural lore. This time she hits bull's eye by creating an M/M romance where one of the lovers is a gargoyle, which is not only comparatively new but allows her to introduce a main very distant from the common "dark, handsome, brooding, conflicted vampire/werewolf" cliché.Rodney, the gargoyle, is refreshingly mild, warm-hearted and perceptive. He made all the right bells ring for me and I could not avoid falling for him.The story's main asset, its being original and refreshing, is unfortunately also its main problem: this story is extremely short, perhaps a one-hour read (and at $3,49 clearly overpriced), while the basic premise literally screams for more of everything. More pages, more characterization, more subtlety in plot development.I loved the characters and enjoyed their happily ever after, but the character of David (the other main) is hardly outlined if at all, how the two actually fall in love and why remain in the cloudy realm of the left-unsaid together with many details which would have greatly enriched this love story and made a little jewel of it.As it is we just have a very short, fun read... pity.
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Rodney is so cute and nerdy.Who would think a gargoyle story would be so sweet?