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Rain Man (2000)

Rain Man (2000)

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4.25 of 5 Votes: 2
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0582417856 (ISBN13: 9780582417854)
addison wesley publishing company

About book Rain Man (2000)

El hombre de la lluvia es un libro que fue escrito a partir del guión de la película con el mismo nombre, debo confesar que no he visto el filme pero la novela me ha resultado agradable en general. La historia se desarrolla a través de personajes que además de conocerse a si mismos, lograrán comprender que ambos pueden obtener enseñanzas significativas de cada uno, además se trata la temática del autismo, y es encantador el personaje con esta condición y por último se corrompe con el ego de uno de los personajes, con la importancia de los lazos familiares y de la audacia por luchar por ello. Es curiosa la edición que tengo del libro, es de 1989 - ¡tiene mi edad! :) - ya que en las páginas anexas contiene publicidad sobre medicamentos y doctores, en los tiempos en los que se utilizaba un libro como "el medio", lejos de los comerciales televisivos y la internet.

1. RAIN MAN/ PENGUIN READERS/ Level 32. RAIN MAN 6/27 6 min. 6/28 2 min. The Ironing man 7/2 9 min. 7/3 64 min. Total: 81 min.3. money, will, friend, brother, autistic, car, stay4. If you write a will, what do you write? -- I write appreciation. I think I don't mention about money.5. I wanted to see more process of getting closer between Charlie and Raymond. However it was good story. When Charlie's rich father died, he couldn't get his father's money at all. If I were Charlie, I was really shocked and I want to stole money from a person who gets his father's money like Charlie. However the person, Raymond is his brother and he couldn't stay house because of Charlie. If I were Charlie, I felt sorry like Charlie, but I'm not sure I can see Raymond get a lot of all his father's money. It's difficult.

Do You like book Rain Man (2000)?

I... One word... Book... Can't...I can't this describe this book in a single word. To say the very least and possibly closest, this book was beautiful.I don't feel like breaking this book down and analyzing each scene in my review because this book is a simple 40 paged book that is skillfully sewn with such subtle but strong emotions holding it at its seams. It's a masterpiece which had an ending that left me speechless with my heart feeling forgotten warmth yet cold at the sudden loss of words. Don't get what I'm talking about? HahahaJUST READ THE BOOK. You'll get what I'm saying. Come on you can finish it REAL soon. Trust me ;)
—Jovita Fernando

penguin reader level 3chapter 1 to the end 11/6=30min 11/11=47min funeral - letter - money - brother -autistic -casino - back What is your favorite 80's movie ? (Because Rain man was the most successful film of 1988)I cannot choose the best one because there are a lot of good movies such as Star wars , Rocky 2, and Kiki's Delivery Service.I like this novel because this is good human dream. The main character thought only money at first , however, after being with brother, he changed. Finally, the main character cried when his brother went back to hospital. I want to watch this movie because the introduction of Rain man said this movie was successful film of 1988. It must be good.
—Hideyuki Takahashi

Great comments, I'm so glad you got to enjoy the friendship between the two brothers. If you haven't watched the movie I highly recommend it. Spelling: remember, friendship.

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