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Quiet Meg (2008)

Quiet Meg (2008)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 4
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080349906X (ISBN13: 9780803499065)
Montlake Romance

About book Quiet Meg (2008)

Strong story telling. I didn't feel like I had to keep turning back to earlier chapters or another book to understand and enjoy what I was reading. Quiet Meg is the opener of a series and it sets up two believable interesting families. Meg Lawrence is a beauty but also sincere and loving daughter/sister. She's pursued by arrogant, sinister Sutcliff. To the rescue is one of three grandsons of a duke. But the hero isn't the usual Regency dandy. suspense and romance. Maybe 4.5 stars. I found this on a blog as a good alternative to Georgette Heyer, and I definitely agree. Not quite as good of a storyline in terms of subtlety, but fun regardless. Her characters and dialog were definitely a couple notches above the pack and almost able to hang with Heyer, which is really hard to do. Also, it was clean, clean, clean..I love that! I will want to read more from her.

Do You like book Quiet Meg (2008)?

A good dose of intrigue. Very likable (and detestable) characters ;).

We'll talk at book club...2/3/11.

Fun read!

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