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Quiet Bunny (2009)

Quiet Bunny (2009)

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4.1 of 5 Votes: 5
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1402757190 (ISBN13: 9781402757198)

About book Quiet Bunny (2009)

Absolutely adorable illustrations, wonderful story, amazingly readable book. I bought many copies for friends with kids that have to work on speech as well as relatives that have younger kids that like to look at these pictures. They literally pop off the page. Also I bought one for my ENT who said that he liked the book so much he brought it home for his kids so that it would not get messed up in his waiting room! This title is an instant classic for storytime and readaloud use for children ages preschool through early elementary. "Quiet Bunny loves the sounds of the forest." So begins this story about a little rabbit who relishes the sounds of the forest, especially in the nighttime. He wishes to be a part of this symphony of voices so he goes on a quest to find his sound. At first frustrated and then enlightened, he joyously discovers that his contribution may not be a traditional voice but just as vital. Children will love the variety of sounds shared in the telling and the moment in the story when Bunny discovers his talent.

Do You like book Quiet Bunny (2009)?

I liked the ending, but it took a long time of too much repetition to get there.

Darling artwork and a wonderful story about finding your place in this world.

Cute little story that reinforces that everyone is unique in their own way!

ILAUGHEDSOHARDINTHISBOOK!you guys have to read it!!!


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