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Put It On The List! (2009)

Put It On the List! (2009)

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3.81 of 5 Votes: 4
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0525479066 (ISBN13: 9780525479062)
Dutton Juvenile

About book Put It On The List! (2009)

What happens when you forget to put something on the list? You run out! And what happens to Mom when you run out of things that should have been on the list? Well..we don't even want to talk about that. I really enjoyed this book because it was a humorous look at what happens when we run out of things we need at home. The pictures are fun, and the words are large and easy to see. This would be a good read aloud book! Also, the days of the week are presented, so it's a chance to practice those, as well. What Mom can't relate to just completing a mammoth grocery shopping trip only to discover that the household is out of a few critical items that didn't make it on the list? Sometimes you can improvise and sometimes you cannot. So the chicken family has a meeting and everyone agrees to put things on the list when they run out of them. They also agree to help Mom with the shopping and to get rid of pickled grubs (send them to Grandma.) Ponies also seem to be a recurring item on the list, much to our amusement. This is a fun story and it's great to read aloud.

Do You like book Put It On The List! (2009)?

Story line more focused on adult appeal, illustrations don't add.

Funny book that anybody who shops for a household can relate to!

This was fantastic. A must for every child's library.

I laughed for real when I read this.

A fun read for storytimes!

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