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Pursued: God's Divine Obsession With You (2013)

Pursued: God's Divine Obsession with You (2013)

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1455515469 (ISBN13: 9781455515462)

About book Pursued: God's Divine Obsession With You (2013)

This'll be an odd review. I read "Pursued: God's Divine Obsession with You" by Jud Wilhite during the summer. I had gotten the book from the library and apparently liked it enough that I requested it on my Amazon list and received it as a birthday present. As I reread it though I am not sure exactly why I wanted to own this book. I will admit that I enjoyed reading it to a point. Wilhite's examining of Hosea and Gomer's relationship as a metaphor for God's love for his people is quite fascinating. Still, the book was not overwhelming in the information it provided.The last chapter dealing with church and Christian identity was the most impactful for me. That made it worth the reread.I would say this is a good book and worth reading, but at least in the second read, it was more underwhelming than anything else. Pursued is a great book for everyone, believers and even non-believers of God and the Christian faith. That's right folks, you don't gotta be a Christian to enjoy a good Christian read, especially a good read like Pursued.It seems Pastor Jud Wilhite's objective was to present a very modern and understandable book for everyone to enjoy. Taking examples of experiences from his church members and his own life, Pastor Wilhite offers an answer to a question that I'm sure we've all pondered on at least once in our lives: 'Why do bad things happen?'

Do You like book Pursued: God's Divine Obsession With You (2013)?

Excellent and inspiring book based on Hosea. GREAT JOB JUD!

Absolutely terrific. I'd even buy it! Full of truth...


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