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Pure Grit: How WWII Nurses In The Pacific Survived Combat And Prison Camp (2014)

Pure Grit: How WWII Nurses in the Pacific Survived Combat and Prison Camp (2014)

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4.15 of 5 Votes: 4
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1419710281 (ISBN13: 9781419710285)
Abrams Books for Young Readers

About book Pure Grit: How WWII Nurses In The Pacific Survived Combat And Prison Camp (2014)

This is the story of nurses who were in Bataan during WWII. Several nurses are followed throughout the book. Why didn't I learn their story when I was in school.I believe that all high school graduates should know this story as part of "things you should know" in order to graduate. These women endured battle, disease, injury, starvation, etc., the same as the soldiers, yet day after day, they cared for the sick, injured, and dying soldiers. These women are truly heroes in every sense of the word. I would give this book 3.5 stars if I could do so. I wanted to love this book but didn't quite get there. I love World War II History and while I loved the information I learned, I did not care for the way it was structured. And if I, an English teacher and adept reader, struggled with keeping the list of characters and timeline straight, I know my students will as well. It would be helpful to have a "cast of characters" as the Nazi Hunters does. It would probably also be helpful to have a timeline of events.

Do You like book Pure Grit: How WWII Nurses In The Pacific Survived Combat And Prison Camp (2014)?

A poignant, inspiring true story of courage, devotion to duty, and incredible perseverance.

The women in this book are determined, strong, and inspiring. Wonderful read.

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