About book Pros And Cons: The Criminals Who Play In The NFL (1999)
One of the saddest books I've ever read, but very important book for today . . . just as needed as it was when written more than ten years ago. "When it comes to criminal conduct of our athletes, someone has to step up. Someone must send the message that Sunday's heroes can no longer be Tuesday's wife beaters or Wednesday's rapists." They propose: "any player whose pre-NFL criminal history details a pattern of arrests for serious crimes should not be draft-eligible [...] and "Any player convicted of a "serious" crime 1) involving violence or drugs after joining the NFL should be banned indefinitely." If these simple guidelines could only be implemented . . . Last quote, Rich Caster formerly of the NY Jets: "if the league doesn't do something they're going to run out of guys to do those United Way commercials. There won't be enough good guys left."
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