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Promised To Me (2003)

Promised to Me (2003)

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0310235553 (ISBN13: 9780310235552)
zondervan publishing company

About book Promised To Me (2003)

Promised to Me is book four in the Coming to America series. I believe all the books are about some sort of mail-ordered-bride or another. Promised to Me told the story of a young man and woman in love who separated for a time because of the man’s desire to make a life for them in America. He promised that he’d send for her. He never did. Years later, Jakob Hirsch writes his once-beloved, asking if she will join him in America at long last to be his bride. Karola Breit decides to, even after “hating” Jakob for what he did to her. That hate is suddenly renewed when she arrives in Shadow Creek, Idaho and finds Jakob a widower with three children. This was a poignant, heart-felt tale, with spiritual growth and a sweet, albeit rough at times, love story. I loved the way Robin Lee Hatcher wove faith and struggles and God’s wisdom through Promised to Me. I like growing with Karola, and watching her leave selfish childhood behind to become a mature, God-honoring woman. So an endearing, thoughtful story overall. Some part felt a little rushed… or a little drawn out. Karola going from deep dislike, to “I’m in love again” so fast was a little disconcerting. But it worked out, and felt nicely concluded in the end. I enjoyed this book. –Thinking about reading the three books that came before it that I happened to have skipped! 

This is the final book in the Coming to America Series. I was expecting something similar to the previous books and that's what you get. If you have enjoyed any of the other books, you will enjoy this one too. I would give the book 3.5 stars. I thought it was a good book, but not great. A lot of the things that happened in the book were very cliche. It's something I have read in multiple Christian fiction novels. The story was very predictable. The book won't be memorable, but it was a quick and easy read. I would recommend the book to fans of Robin Lee Hatcher.

Do You like book Promised To Me (2003)?

This book was pretty cute! I liked the idea of reuniting with your first love... Jakob and Karola were really cute together, and I'm glad they didn't get married right off the bat. They needed some time to get to know one another again... And I didn't question when Karola fell in love with Jakob so quickly, because it was REfalling in love... And Jakob had the hangups with his first wife, and so it made sense that he was slower to catch up...I really thought Jakob was great. I loved how he was with his kids! SO great! (My husband is like that!) He was actually a LOT like my husband... not always terribly communicative, a really hard worker, etc. So I liked him quite a lot (as you might imagine!)...Overall, a cute little book!
—Sara ♥

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