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Prom: A Novel (2011)

Prom: A Novel (2011)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 1
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142314564X (ISBN13: 9781423145646)
Disney Press

About book Prom: A Novel (2011)

i liked this book. i didnt think i would like it at first, but than im like, wat the heck this is awsome!!! PROM is about multiple people. first there's nova who with the help of her friends mei,ali,rolo, and crush brandon, tries to make prom great by doing decorations and stuff. but when the decorations "MYSTERIOUSLY" burn up nova has to work with bad boy jesse to fix and replace them.lucus has a crush on simone (his lab partner) and wants to ask her to go to prom with him, so he asks his best friend for help.tyler is a jerk that is dating jordan and (sort of) simone. jordan has no idea about tyler but simone knows everything, even though she knows what she's doing is wrong.mei and her boyfriend, justin have been dating for years and now there planning on going to the same collage and of course PROM. but than one day mei starts acting weird and is keeping secrets from justin.ali and rolo are friends. ali has a date to the prom but when she asks rolo if he has one he says he does. he's dating a "SUPERMODLE" ali is than constantly bothering him about it.Lloyd is known as the "INVISABLE GUY" in his school. he wants to find a date to the prom with the help of his step sister tess, but things dont go the way they planned. Reasons to read this book:1. You want something fun and innocent, without any vulgarness or implications of sexuality.2. You want a very lighthearted read that you can breeze through.3. You like books with multiple points of view and knowing the full story from almost every perspective.4. You REALLY like all things Diseny. :)Reasons not to read this book:1. It's incredibly predictable. Pretty much everything I thought would happen DID happen.2. You like a lot of drama. There was an inkling of drama, but really not a ton. There wasn't a huge climactic point where everything seemed to be completely up in the air. Each character had his or her own problems all throughout the book.Overall, this was a fun read. I don't really like that I don't know who the author was since this was put together after the Disney movie was made. It was written pretty well, but with a few too many exclamation marks for me. I am not the kind of girl that needs to be convinced something exciting is happening with the use of an exclamation mark.My favorite character was the resident bad boy, Jesse. However, the whole book seems a little disjointed timeline wise, and it felt like it took half a day for him to whip himself into shape and fall in love with the girl.

Do You like book Prom: A Novel (2011)?

I just had to read this before watching the movie (which I loved). It was good!

If you haven't seen the movie yet (like me) you'll definitely love it.

It was pretty good for being based on a movie. An easy read though.

good but a little slow


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