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Produced By Faith: Enjoy Real Success Without Losing Your True Self (2011)

Produced by Faith: Enjoy Real Success without Losing Your True Self (2011)

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4.07 of 5 Votes: 3
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1439171033 (ISBN13: 9781439171035)
Howard Books

About book Produced By Faith: Enjoy Real Success Without Losing Your True Self (2011)

I love how DeVon Franklin compares his life as a studio executive to his life as a studio executive. He showed us the faith it takes to make your way in this world against all the odds. How a man of faith can make it big in the cesspool of Hollywood where you have to be able to interrupt peoples expectations of how people act and help them overcome them so that you can survive in an environment where most Christians do not survive or thrive. This book inspired me because it showed how his courage and faithfulness won out over taking the easy road, and allowed God to help him produce a happy and fulfilling life, right in the middle of the type of environment where this lifestyle is counterintuitive. This book gave helpful advice on how to keep your mind on God's plan for your life and how to remain a servant to him first in all aspects of life including your career. I enjoyed the general idea for this book however I couldn't get into it. Great idea, he just could've done a better job at it. The book was pretty boring. Took me like 2 or 3 months just to get to page 100 and give up on reading it.. He could've used a bit more humor or something! The bible says laughter does the body good like a medicine. Nice try but, I suggest he try again.

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Great inspiration for my situation. Really relatable. Proud of my friend's first book attempt.

I just started reading this book, and found it very interesting.

Amazing book... taught me how to use my faith into my career

A perfect read for exactly where I am in life right now!

Very inspiring read

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