Rating: 4 1/2Adrienne Ashe is a far cry from your typical princess. For one, she doesn't want to be a princess or even carry out a princess's duties for that matter. She has a strong mind and will of her own that is not easy to break. For this reason, when her parents tell her that she is going to be locked in her very own tower at the age of sixteen because it is the princess tradition, she quickly tells them that this is never going to happen. They reluctantly agree with her, saying that she c Excellent all-ages book. The eleven-year-old and I loved pretty much everything about it: the dragon* and tower setup, hair issues, diverse cast, kick-assery, and the extensive discussion of armor. I am ready to read the entire series and will probably give it as a Christmas gift to everyone I can think of. Probably just the thing for Zita fans who want to branch into fantasy.* Looks like a luck dragon to me.Library copy
Do You like book Princeless Volume 1 Tp (2014)?
The chapter where she meets Bedelia and they go through the armor for women warriors is gold!
Really fun, reminded me of the book The Paper Bag Princess