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Preying For Mercy (2008)

Preying For Mercy (2008)

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4.55 of 5 Votes: 2
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0739497812 (ISBN13: 9780739497814)
Ace Books/First SFBC Fiction Printing

About book Preying For Mercy (2008)

Filled with surprises and twists throughout, along with love, temptation and loyalty, Mercy is the strong female heroine you'd love to have for a friend. The stories are dark, and complex but Mercy is surrounded by friends who love her deeply (and some who WOULD like to love her deeply *wink*wink*) and do their best to help her out. Even with all that love and help, she does a good bit of butt-kicking on her own, and it's refreshing to find a woman who isn't afraid to handle tough situations herself. I think this is the first time ever I checked a book out of the library with a half-dressed woman on the front. :p A friend recommended this as a complete escape novel, which is exactly what I was looking for. I decided to give it a try, despite the cover, and was immediately hooked. Don't let the cover fool you, this book is an adventure, not a romance, and it's not trashy. There are romantic elements but we don't have to read any play-by-plays! There was some mild language, and of course, the whole premise of the book hinges on there being magical creatures still on the earth. But, it was an adventure & a mystery from about page 3. If you are looking for an escape, for pure "brain candy" with no redeeming qualities except that it will keep you up all night reading, then give this one a try!

Do You like book Preying For Mercy (2008)?

Kinda junky and incredibly derivative, but still a fun read.

Love the Mercy Thompson series.

I love the combo books!


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