Okay, so I keep reading until around 50 pages and then I can't hold it any longer. I really expected this story to be on emotional focus between Roland and Josh, but no, all I find from the first page is sex, and then sex, sex, sex for more, go out to buy clothes, sex in public, run out of condom, out to buy condom, sex, sex, buy cupcakes, sex, and sex until I can't stand it anymore. And I thought there'll be more emotional display somewhere and I waited, but then when they're out buying cupcakes, Roland starts wondering if Josh flirted with him because of their arrangement. For God's sake, you can't start wondering out of nowhere about your relationship with Josh when all you think before was just sex, Roland! I reckon Mr.Field is a huge fan of Pretty Woman. Otherwise why would such a tactful author pen a hard core erotica on the lines of a candy floss romantic movie? The entire libretto deal with Roland Marcus an affluent and flamboyant yet sentimental man who hires Josh Holden to be his date/partner to avoid embarrassment before his ex-lover Kenneth Rhodes. Later, Josh realizes that his escort act is more than just money and a delicate romance cultivates between the two protagonists. However, the jovial point is when Field appreciatively shifts from the mundane bonbon to rock-solid sexual fête with numerous group orgies and reckless sexual activities between Roland and Josh; making it worth reading for the very reason I picked the book up- a sexual euphoria. I was never a fan of Pretty Woman so if it was not for the explicit sexual scenes, I would have easily dismissed this book. As for the author, I would like to give another chance as most of his novels boast humorously altered movie titles
Do You like book Pretty Man (2009)?
Very good romance novel. Has a good ending, but it happens a little qickly.
This is good.But don't read if you, like me, have a problem with sharing...
If you love M/M, this is a near perfect book.